Comprehensive services to sell your property

Sell your property with Alpha Luxe Group: Expert advice and support in Poreč

At Alpha Luxe Group, we understand that selling your property can be a complex process that requires attention to detail and expertise.

That's why we offer comprehensive services to help you sell your property quickly and efficiently at the best possible price.

We specialize in real estate properties in Istria, Croatia, and our services are optimized to cater to clients from European countries.

Here are the essential services we provide for the sale of your property:

  1. Pre-sale preparation advice: We offer advice on preparing your property for sale, ensuring that it is presented in the best possible light to attract potential buyers.
  2. Legal documentation review: Our team of experts will review your property's legal documentation and offer legal advice if there is a need to resolve any legal issues that may arise during the sale.
  3. Professional real estate photography: We'll provide professional real estate photography services to showcase your property's best features and attract potential buyers.
  4. Real estate valuation: Our agents will provide a comprehensive valuation of your property to help you determine the best price to sell your property.
  5. Advertising on relevant portals: We'll advertise your property on all applicable domestic and foreign portals to reach a wider audience of potential buyers.
  6. Offer to potential buyers: We'll offer your property to potential buyers from our agency base and arrange property tours to help them visualize themselves in the space.
  7. Legal and administrative support: We'll provide legal and administrative support throughout the sales process, including preparing pre-contracts, contracts, and tabular documents.

In addition to these essential services, we offer a range of supplementary services to help you sell your property more efficiently.

These services include:

  1. Real estate legal status regulation: We'll help you resolve any legal issues that may arise during the sales process.
  2. Property valuation by certified appraisers: We'll provide a valuation of your property by certified appraisers to ensure that it's priced accurately.
  3. Land use analysis: We'll analyze the land use to help you understand the property's potential.
  4. Company surveys and valuation for sale: In the case of selling a company, we'll provide an in-depth survey and valuation of the company.
  5. Professional real estate cleaning: We'll provide professional cleaning services to ensure your property is in top condition before potential buyers arrive.
  6. Professional real estate video recording: We'll provide professional video recording services to help showcase your property's features.
  7. Energy certification of real estate: We'll help you obtain an energy certification for your property, which can increase its value.
  8. Architectural and construction services: We offer architectural and construction services to help you make necessary repairs or upgrades to your property.
  9. Geodetic services: We offer geodetic services to help you understand the property's boundaries and measurements.
  10. Minor repair and craft services: We provide minor repair services to help ensure that your property is in top condition for potential buyers.

Leverage the expertise and comprehensive services of Alpha Luxe Group Real Estate to navigate your property sale successfully.

Reach out to us today and experience the seamless, efficient, and rewarding real estate transaction you deserve.

+385 52 204 933